Amazon Account Verification for Non-Resident Sellers: Get Verified with a U.S. LLC

We Know the Amazon Account Verification Strategy That Works (As an Agency Partner)


Expanding your business to Amazon as a non-resident with a U.S. LLC involves more than just setting up the entity. One of the biggest challenges is getting through Amazon’s account verification process, which requires careful alignment between your business address and personal address and the documents submitted to Amazon, the IRS, and your bank.

Amazon’s verification can be tricky, especially regarding the addresses you use during your LLC formation, tax filings, and Amazon setup. If things don’t match up, you could face long delays, additional documentation requests, and even the dreaded utility bill verification.

What We’ve Learned from Amazon

As an Amazon Agency Partner, we’ve worked with many sellers through this process. After working closely with Amazon’s verification team, we’ve gained insight into what triggers account verification issues for non-resident sellers. The process is more complex than ever before, and address alignment is at the core of getting verified quickly.

Amazon requires consistency between:

  • Your business address (used on your U.S. LLC formation, bank account, and IRS EIN filing).
  • Your personal address (especially for non-residents; this must match your official documents from your home country).

If there are discrepancies between these documents, Amazon may require additional verification steps, like submitting a utility bill from your home country. This can lead to delays of 30-60 days or more.

Different Approaches for Account Verification

Here’s where it gets interesting: There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for non-residents with a U.S. LLC. The approach will differ depending on what you want to achieve with your Amazon Seller Central profile.

  • Do you want a U.S. address or a foreign address to show on your profile?
  • How do you align your LLC formation, bank account, and IRS EIN?
  • Can you avoid the utility bill requirement or streamline it for faster approval?

The right strategy depends on your specific goals for your Amazon business. This is where we step in to help guide you through the maze.

How NCP Can Help You Navigate the Process

As experts in both Amazon account verification and U.S. LLC formation, we know how to verify your account quickly and with the least hassle. We’ll help you:

  • Evaluate your options and determine the best path for your specific business.
  • Align your LLC formation, IRS, and banking documents with Amazon’s verification requirements so everything matches from the start.
  • Walk you through the document submission process, ensuring your account gets verified without unnecessary delays.

Below is a video explaining our Amazon Agency referral solution. This solution, paired with our consulting, might be exactly what you need to get your account verified and growing.

Received the Dreaded “Not Verified” Message? You’re Not Alone

You might’ve submitted all your paperwork and thought you were in the clear. Then—boom!—you get the dreaded email:

“At this moment, we cannot verify your account, so your account cannot be activated. We need additional documentation to verify your account.”

Frustrating, right? You’re not alone. This happens to a lot of sellers. But don’t panic; more importantly, don’t keep submitting the wrong info. It’s time to figure out what really went wrong and how to fix it.

Amazon account not verified

What Documentation Does Amazon Really Want?

When Amazon requests additional documentation, it can feel like you’re missing a hidden checklist. Here’s their automated response:

  1. A valid credit card on file.
  2. A bill dated within the last 90 days for gas, electricity, water, or internet service with your name and address visible.
  3. A business license, if applicable. (For Nevada LLCs, this includes a state business license.)

Sounds simple, right? But here’s the tricky part: Your utility bill has to match the provider’s details perfectly—logos, formatting, address—everything. And depending on how your account was set up, Amazon’s requirements might change. Miss one step, and you’re back to square one.

Submitting a utility bill alone won’t guarantee reactivation. Here’s why:

  • Your account setup might have errors.
  • There could be mismatches between your LLC and your official registered address.
  • Other hidden issues might be causing the delay.

At the end of the day, Amazon’s goal is to verify seller identities and weed out fraud—totally fair, right? But if you don’t handle it the right way, it can cost you time and money. That’s why we work with serious sellers who want to get verified the smart way.

Why NCP is Your Best Bet:

We know what you’re thinking: “I just need a utility bill.” But before we dive into the specifics, let’s clear up some of the biggest myths about Amazon’s utility bill requests that often lead sellers down the wrong path.

Myths About Amazon’s Utility Bill Requests

Myth #1: “I need a U.S. utility bill to verify my Amazon seller account.”
Reality: The type of utility bill depends on how your account is set up. Are you using a U.S. LLC or operating as a non-resident? Submitting the wrong bill can set you back weeks.

Myth #2: “Any utility bill will work for Amazon’s verification.”
Reality: Not all utility bills are created equal. Amazon’s requirements depend on several factors, including your operational and mailing addresses. Get it wrong, and your account stays stuck.

Myth #3: “Once I submit the right utility bill, my account will be verified.”
Reality: Submitting the bill is just the tip of the iceberg. You’ve also got to ensure everything else lines up—your addresses, tax interview, and all the little details. And here’s the kicker: Amazon won’t tell you exactly what’s wrong, so you’ve got to get it right the first time.

U.S. Residents

Running a home-based business and can’t seem to get that utility bill in your LLC’s name? Don’t sweat it—we’ve got you covered. In our consultation, we’ll dig deep into your account setup and make sure all your docs align with Amazon’s picky verification process.

And hey, if you’re a U.S. resident, you’ve got even more to think about—like when to pull the trigger on that S election, squeeze every tax write-off you can, and max out your funding. We handle all that, too. So, why not get it right from the start?

Non-U.S. Residents

You don’t always need a U.S. LLC to sell on Amazon, but when done right, it makes everything smoother. If you haven’t set up your U.S. LLC yet, you’re in the perfect spot to avoid future headaches. Our complete U.S. LLC formation package includes not only the proper paperwork but also our 32-page Amazon New Account Guide and 20-page Amazon Tax Interview Guide—everything you need to dodge common mistakes and get verified quickly.

Which Address Needs to Match?

This goes beyond just selecting an address; it’s about how you initially set up your Amazon account and completed the tax interview. Do you know which businesslegal, or your official registered address needs to align with which company formation and personal documents?

Or are things even more complicated—like setting up multiple Amazon accounts without permission, a huge no-no? In these tricky cases, you might need an Amazon suspension company, and their fees (well worth the money) can run from $2K to $4K. It’s much more complex than it seems.

Do It Right the First Time

Consulting with us before setting up your U.S. LLC will save you money. We’ll ensure that your LLC is formed and structured correctly to match the right strategy for your goals—whether it’s avoiding the utility bill verification or aligning your addresses for your Amazon Seller Central profile.

By getting it right the first time, you’ll avoid the added costs of amending your LLC and updating other documents later, which can slow down your verification timeline and delay your business launch. It’s not just about filing the LLC—it’s about ensuring everything from the business name to the address matches your overall strategy.

Additional Amazon Account Verification Issues

During our consultation, we thoroughly review your Amazon account setup, including how you completed the tax interview, to ensure your legal structure aligns with the correct tax form, whether a W-9 or W-8BEN. We also examine how your entity documents were filed to ensure they match Amazon’s requirements.

Often, the verification issues go beyond what’s mentioned in Amazon’s email notification. We’ll identify any additional documentation or setup errors preventing your account from being activated and guide you on correcting them efficiently.

Amazon Verified LLC Service

Form a U.S. LLC through NCP, and our Amazon Account Setup and Verification Steps are included. If you’re new to U.S. expansion and want a full breakdown of steps and fees, schedule a call with our team using this link.

Book Your Amazon Account Activation Consultation

Do you have questions about reactivating your Amazon account? We’ve got answers, whether it’s about the tax interview, U.S. tax requirements, or something else. Book a strategy call with Scott Letourneau, and we’ll take the guesswork out of the process.

Don’t leave your account activation to chance. Book your paid strategy call today and start your Amazon journey the right way.